
urbánny splietací mág

Heeb.She & Anna Till: WHAT HAPPENS NEXT

contemporary dance performance/ predstavenie súčasného tanca

Choreografka z Drážďan Anna Till sa zúčastnila rezidenčného pobytu v rámci projektu K.A.I.R. Košice Artist in Residence. Počas troch mesiacov pracovala so štyrmi tanečníčkami skupiny Heeb.She. Premiéra performance, ktorú spolu vytvorili sa uskutoční v rámci festival Vlna naživo (www.vlna.sk).

Anna Till, choreographer from Dresden took part on the residency within the project K.A.I.R. Košice Artist in Residence. During her three months stay she worked with four dancers from Heeb.She group. Premiere of the performance which they created will be presented during the festival Vlna naživo (www.vlna.sk).

description/ popis:
its an abandoned place
its a place with a wide horizon
its a place that no one takes care about
a place without rules
that doesn’t belong to anybody
its a place, where people hang out
strange figures cross
maybe someone is waiting there to be picked up by a car
everything can happen but most often nothing happens there
its a place without time
maybe some people are having a fight
maybe someone is drunk and having a nap
maybe lovers are meeting
time stands still
the wind brings people in and out of this place
its not a place to stay

choreography/ choreografia: Anna Till
in collaboration with the dancers/ v spolupráci s tanečníčkami: Alexandra Mireková, Katarína Onderková, Ivana Rusnáková, Michaela Sabolová
production/produkcia: Creative Industry Košice, projekt K.A.I.R. – Košice Artists in Residence
in cooperation with/ v spolupráci s: Heeb.She, Tabačka Kulturfabrik
financial support/ finančná podpora: Goethe-Institut Bratislava, Ministerstvo kultúry Slovenskej republiky
music&sound composition/ hudobná a zvuková kompozícia: Dalibor Kocián (Stroon)
drums/ bicie: Tomáš Beneš
sound support/ podpora: Liam Archer
light design + technical support/ svetelný dizajn + technická podpora: Róbert Farkaš, Martin Mulík
costume design/kostýmy: Emma Korpová
graphic design: Danka Bodnarova

premiere/ premiéra:
22.10. 2015, 20:00, Tabačka Kulturfabrik
duration/ trvanie: appr. 40min./pribl. 40 min.